Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week One and How I Got Here

As some of you know I just had a baby boy on December 3rd. I have always struggled with weight. Granite, I may have been thin in my younger years, but the past maybe 6 or so years I had to watch what I ate in order to maintain my body weight. About 2 years ago I joined Weight Watchers through my work. I was about 145 lbs and lost 15 lbs by the end of the session. I was finally 130!! I became a lifetime member and was actually maintaining that weight. Then about a year ago, I started gaining again. I was up now to 148, more than I was when I started the last time. I was becoming so frustrated! Then a little bit later found out that I was pregnant. Then came the regrets of food! I thought now since I always had to watch what I eat, this would be a great way to eat now whatever I wanted. During my whole pregnancy I gained almost 50 lbs! I was so discusted with myself. After I had Landon, all I got down to was losing 20 lbs. Then I hit a rut. I was having alot of problems with healing and so my weeks where I could be exercising were spent sitting and thats about it. If I did too much walking I would be sore for days just because of the walking. To this day I am still getting better, but I'm still hurting where I can't exercise yet. So what I've decided to do, which I should have done the moment I had him, was to go back on my weight watchers. It's been one week to this day, and I lost 4 lbs. My starting weight was 172.5 lbs., now I am 168.5. My goal for the end of this, is to be back to 140. Then after I hit that goal maybe I will try 10 more pounds, but no more than that! This blog is going to be something for me to do, to make sure I keep it up and also to tell all who wants to know, my good weeks and my struggle weeks and maybe motivate someone else to do the same thing with me. I know it hasnt been 2 months yet since I had a baby and I shouldnt be worrying about my weight, but I am. I let myself go when I was pregnant, now its my turn to get my body and health back on track.
For all those who are going to read, dont be afraid to comment me on how good I am doing, if you have suggestions, or even to yell at me to tell me what I am doing wrong or just to motivate me to do better. I hope to help myself through this process and it would be great if I also can motivate someone else to make a better life with their weight too.